Category: Business
Storage Stories: Garage Doors By Soho Stone

Many of us rely on self storage to help get through a big move or to free up more space at home, but did you know storage facilities can be an important resource for small businesses? We spoke with Dan Arvelo, owner of Garage Doors by Soho Stone, to discuss how he utilizes multiple storage units…
3 Small Business Strategies For Dealing With Supply Chain Disruptions

The past year and a half has been a trying time to be a business owner. From Covid closures, to hiring issues, it can feel like you’re putting out a new fire every single day. As the economy opens back up, demand in many industries is reaching record highs. Even our team at Personal Mini Storage has…
Is a Storage Unit Worth the Cost?

More than one in eleven households in the U.S. rent a storage unit. While they provide flexible storage options for many Americans, is renting extra space the right choice for you? Below we’ll go through three examples of when they can be a great option and one situation where it isn’t a good fit. 1. Buying and…
Launch Your Landscaping Business With A Storage Unit

Getting started in the landscaping business, in essence, comes down to proper preparation. The key is to not get ahead of yourself. An example might be buying a great deal of equipment before having the customers or training to use them. Our goal is to provide some helpful tips to ensure you are moving in…