Category: Storage 101

Is a Storage Unit Worth the Cost?

By Chris Romero In Business | Moving | Storage | Storage 101 | Storage Solutions |

More than one in eleven households in the U.S. rent a storage unit. While they provide flexible storage options for many Americans, is renting extra space the right choice for you? Below we’ll go through three examples of when they can be a great option and one situation where it isn’t a good fit. 1.     Buying and…

Top 10 Places To Live In 2017

By Deanna Mooney In Business | Moving | Storage | Storage 101 | Storage Solutions |

Moving comes with a lot of thought and consideration. People choose to relocate due to reasons such as family, jobs, lifestyles, and the cost of living. Whatever the reason is families are sure to migrate to certain areas throughout the year. It seems the South is headed towards a population increase. Florida itself holds 3…

2016’s Top 10 Storage Hacks

By Deanna Mooney In Business | Moving | Storage | Storage 101 | Storage Solutions |

As 2016 comes to a close we reminisce on all the good memories and knowledge we have gained throughout the year. This year we had some amazing new storage hacks and ideas that went viral on the internet. Here are the top 10 storage hacks of 2016. Use re-cycled jars for just about anything. You…

5 Traditional Items That Can Be Used For Storage

By Deanna Mooney In Business | Moving | Storage | Storage 101 | Storage Solutions |

Using different items for their unintended purpose is something that most people disregard. Shower hooks are used to hang shower curtains and file sorters sort out bills and other papers. The names of the items pretty much explain the products purposes, right?  Well what if those shower hooks could be used to store and organize…